
Academic Skills: Note-taking; Organization; Time Management; Accountable Talk; Summarizing & Paraphrasing; Graphing; DBQ's.

Social & Emotional Skills: Conflict Resolution; Self-monitoring; formal vs. informal speech; stress management; nutrition.

Writing & Grammar Skills: Simple, compound, and complex sentences; thesis statements; supporting details; paragraph writing.

American History Content: You will review the same material that you learn in your American history class, with a focus on America's wars; the Great Depression; the New Deal; executive; legislative and judicial branches; major court cases; and major presidents. 

Earth Science: You will review the same material that you learn in your Earth science class, with a focus on the scientific method, solar system, oceanic literacy, climate change, and evolution. Math skills: We will focus on preparing to write the Problem of the Week and math vocabulary.

Reading skills: Phonetics, prefixes, suffixes, root words, habits of good readers, and other tools to improve your reading and reading comprehension. 

Math Skills: We will focus on the development of the Problem of the Week and how to build math vocabulary.